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Please complain! We pride ourselves in providing best-in-class service to our guests, but unfortunately sometimes we might fail to meet your expectations. Sometimes there's miscommunication. Sometimes a new employee misses a step. Sometimes we just flat out screw up. If that ever happens to you, please know that it's never on purpose, it isn't personal, and we truly feel bad when we let our customers down. If we ever fall short, we want to know about it right away so we can work to resolve your concerns.
We're consumers, too, so we understand the urge to go online and express frustration when things don't go as they should. We know how it feels to want to give a business "no stars" or "negative stars" when the one-star option seems too generous. The problem with online reviews, however, is that while it might make us feel like we're sticking it to the business that did us wrong, we aren't resolving our concern. So, before you let Google or Yelp know that we let you down, please contact us and give us the opportunity to make things right. We're not successful unless you're happy.
Please rate and review us below. Your submission goes directly to Dawn Walston, our Director of Customer Care, who is fully empowered to help you. Please provide as much detail as you can so we can thoroughly investigate your concern. You can even give us negative stars. ;)
Alternatively, you may contact Dawn directly at
Thanks again!
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